Conception of the Union in the Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch (1622-1672), by Mgr. Abdallah Raheb, Initials and Abbreviations, Sources and Bibliography
[Webmaster's note: This doctoral thesis is reproduced by kind permission of Mgr. Raheb. The material is copyright and may not be reproduced without permission from the author and translator.]
Archimandrite AbdallahRaheb, Doctor of Theology,
Licentiate in Philosophy,
Diploma in German Letters,
Professor of Ecumenical Sciences at the University of
ex-Superior General of the Order of Saint Basil of Aleppo.
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Initials and
Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Rome 1909 ff. Acta =
Cf. Unpublished Sources. Al-Maçarrat = Arabic Review of the Greek Melkite Catholic Patriarchate, Harissa 1910 ff. Al-Machreq = Arabic Review of the University of St. Joseph in Beirut 1898 ff. Bacha, Voyage = Cf. Published Sources. Bessarione = Bessarione, Rome 1901 – 1923. Besson =
J. Besson, La Syrie et la Terre Sainte au XVII siècle, Poitiers-Paris 1862. (The first edition of 1660 has the title: La
Syrie sainte). BZ =
Byzantinische Zeitschrift, Leipzig 1892 ff. Collectio Lacensis = Cf. Published Sources. Collectanea = Cf. Published Sources. Congr. =
General Congregation of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith. CP = Cf.
Unpublished Sources. CSCO =
Cf. Published Sources. DAFC =
Dictionnaire Apologétique de la Foi Catholique, Paris 1909 – 1931. DDC =
Dictionnaire de Droit Canonique, Paris 1935 ff. De Martinis = Published Sources. DHGE =
Dictionnaire d’Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastique, Paris 192 ff. DThC =
Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique, Paris 1903 – 1950. EO =
Echos d’Orient, Kadlikoy-Bucarest-Paris, 1897 – 1942. ERM =
Encyclopédie Religieuse et Morale (in Greek), I-XII, Athens 1963 – 1968. Fondo di Vienna = Cf. Unpublished Sources. Grumel, Chronologie = V. Grumel, Traité d’études Byzantines, I
(Chronologie), Paris 1958. Kilzi =
Cf. Published Sources. Kimmel =
Cf. Published Sources. Le Quien = M. Le Quien, Oriens Christianus, II, Paris 1740 (Nouveau triage anastatique: Ganz 1958). Le Lien =
Bulletin of the Greek-Melkite Catholic Patriarchate beginning in 1968 (before this date it was al-Maçarrat). LThK =
Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche (2nd edition), Freiburg, 1957 –
1964. Macarios of Aleppo = Published Sources. Mansi =
Cf. Published Sources. Michalescu = Published Sources. Musset =
H. Musset, Histoire du Christianisme spécialement en Orient, vol. II, Jerusalem 1948. Nasrallah, Chronologie = J. Nasrallah, Chronologie des Patriarcats Melchites d’Antioche de 1500 à 1634, Paris 1959. Nasrallah, Notes et Documents = Cf. Published Sources. NRTh = Nouvelle
Revue Théologique, Tournai-Paris. OC = Orientalia
Christiana, Rome 1923 – 1934. OCA =
Orientalia Christiana Analecta, Rome 1935 ff. OCP =
Orientalia Christiana Periodica, Rome 1935 ff. PG =
Migne, Patrologiae cursus completes, Greek series, Paris-Montrogne 1856 – 1866. PL =
Migne, Patroligiae cursus completes, Latin series, Paris-Montrogne 1844 – 1864. PO =
Graffin-Nau, Patrologia Orientalis, Paris 1930 ff. POC =
Proche-Orient Chrétien, Jerusalem 1951 ff. Rabbath =
Cf. Published Sources. Radu =
Cf. Published Sources. REB =
Revue des Etudes Byzantines, Paris. REG =
Revue des Etudes Grecques, Paris. RO = Roma
e l’Oriente, Rome 1910 – 1921. ROC =
Revue de l’Orient Chrétien, Paris 1895 – 1946. RThL =
Revue Théologique de Louvain, Louvain 1970 ff. Rustum = Rustum, Asad (Historian of the Apostolic Throne of
Antioch, died in June1965),The Church of the City of God, Great Antioch (I
Arabic), vol. III (1453-1928), Beirut not dated (surely after 1960, cf. p. 378
of this volume). SC = Cf.
Unpublished Sources. SOCG =
Cf. Unpublished Sources.
Sources and
I. Sources
(What directly or indirectly concerns the Greeks of Antioch in the Archives of
the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith).
— Acta = Acts of
the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith: volumes: 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, (vol. 40 has two books),
41, 42, 43.
— CSCO = Corpus scriptorium christianorum orientalium,
Catholic University of America and Université Catholique, Louvain 1952 ff.
— De Martinis = R. De Martinis, Juris Pontificii de Propaganda
Fide, Second part, Rome 1909.
— Golubovich = Golubovich G., Bibliotheca Bio-Bibliografica della
Terra Santa e dell’Oriente Francescano, Series I, vol. II, Quaracchi 1913.
— Febuve N. = (Capuchin John Baptist of St. Aignan or was he
John Lefebvre who in 1671 transmitted the letters of the Congregation for the
Propagation of the Faith to the Capuchins of Aleppo, cf. Acta, vol. 41, fol. 28r) Théâtre de la Turquie, Paris
1682. (T. Jock in his book, Chouérites et Jésuites, Central falls 1939, p. 9, says that it was Capuchin
Father Justinien of Tours).
— Kilzi = L. Kilzi, Life of the
Patriarch of Antioch Euthymios Karmeh the Hawawite written by his disciple
Patriarch Macarios of Aleppo (in Arabic: according to Manuscript No. 24 of Deir
esh-Shir, Lebanon) in Al-Maçarrat 1913, pp. 41-47; 81-89; 137-144.
— Macarios of
Aleppo = Macarios III Zaim (Patriarch
of Antioch from 1647 to 1672), Small Collection (in Arabic: Magmu’ Latif), 1637. This is a unique manuscript found at Deir
esh-Shir (Lebanon) of which chapter 104 (pp. 619-633) of the manuscript was
published by J. Nasrallah in: Chronologie des Patriarches Melchites d’Antioche
de 1500 à 1634, Paris 1959, pp. 75-81.
— Mansi =
J. Mansi, Sacrorum Conciliorum Nova et Amplissima Collectio, vols. 46 and 37.
— Michalcessu = J. Michalecscu, Die Bekenntnisse und die
wichtigsten Glaubenszeugnisse der griech. — orient. Kirche, Leipzig 1904.
— Nasrallah, Notes et
Documents = J. Nasrallah, Notes et
Documents pour servir à l’histoire du Patriarcat Melchite d’Antioche, Jerusalem
— Rabbath = A. Rabbath, Documents inédits pour servir à
l’histoire du christianisme en Orient, 2 vols., Paris 1905-1910.
— Radu = B. Radu, Travels of Patriarch Macarios of Antioch,
in PO, XXII (1930), pp. 3-18 (= introduction, Paris December 29, 1926) and pp.
19-200; XXIV (1933), pp. 442-604; XXVI (1945), pp. 603-720.
This Arabic text published with a French translation
is that of Manuscript 6016 of the National Library of Paris, collated with that
of the British Museum (No. 802-805) and that of the Asiatic Museum of Leningrad
(No. 33) of the year 1700.
Alexandros (Patriarch of
Antioch): Geschichte und gegenwärtige Lage der Kirche von Atiochien, in Ekklesia, Leipzig 1941, Band X (46) 82-91.
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Nasrallah, Notes et Documents, pp.
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Bacha C., Extract of the Travels of Patriarch Macarios
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Besson J., La Syrie et la Terre Sainte au XVII siècle, Poitiers, Paris 1862 (The first edition of 1660 has
the title: La Syrie sainte. An Italian translation was made by G. Anturni SJ,
censored and approved by the Provincial on March 4, 1661 and published in Rome
in 1662: “Soria Santa overo racconto breve di varij avvenimenti curiosi, e pij
accaduti do pochi anni in quà in Soria, specialmente in Aleppo, Damasco,
Sidone, Tripoli e Monte Libano.” This Italian edition contains many variants).
CA., Les Eglises de rite byzantin dans
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M., was published in Cairo in 1903 by Salim Kab’in
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Patriarchates, Eastern Christian
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d’Orient 27 (1928) 68-77.
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