Bibliography, Sources and References
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The researcher,
editor, complier of these pages wishes to convery his appreciation and
gratitude to the persons who povided historical information, reference
pointers and editorial comments on the materials contained in these
pages. Specifically, the major contributors are:
Joseph Abillamah, Amateur Historian and Ecclesiastical Researcher,
Beirut, Lebanon
Mr. Daniel Chucrallah Asade, Student of History and Phoenician
enthusiasit (also a Pharmacist)
Mr. Michael George Assad, Bibliographies
Mr. Raymond Nicolas Abdulnour, Amateur Marine Archaeologist,
Beirut, Lebanon
Mr. Nagib
Hobeica, Internet Specialist Extraordinaire and Founding partner
of (Lebanese White Pages),
contributor of idea for "" hostname
and guidance and support for the change.
Mr. Christian da C. Karam, Student of History at the Brazilian
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, contributor of Phoenicians
in Brazil.
Dr. Manolis Pantos of Daresbury
Laboratory, "Armchair Archaeologist" and contributor
of Homeric works, UK. (also a specialist in Archaeometry in addition
to other a variety of scientific disciplines)
Mr. John Stojko, Amateur Philologist and Decipherer of Phoenician
Mr. William Serfaty, Architect (dip. arch. Leics.), Amateur Historian,
Gibraltar, Gibraltar
Dr. Joseph Tabet, M.D., Amateur Archaeologist, Anaheim, CA,
USA (also M.D.)
Sources and References
The author regrets to note that not all assays in the site contain
proper footnotes because in the initial stages of writing and publishing
this site it was not intended to be a formal research project. However,
the references which were used are listed herewith. The author hopes
to to add footnote sources to the site in the future.
- American journal
of Archaeology VI (1890) for entries on "Constantinople" and
- Arrian, Anabasi
Alexander I and 11. Trans. E. Iliff Robson. London: W. Heinemann Ltd.,
1929-1933 (The Loeb Classical Library).
- BBC Classical Music
- Bailey, J. Sailing
to Paradise, the discovery of the Americas by 7000 BC, New York, 1994.
- Bischoff, Bernhard.
Latin Paleography: Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Cambridge, 1990.
- Brian H. Warmington,
Carthage, 2nd ed., ch. 8-9 (1969), includes a valuable discussion of
Hannibal's relations with the government of Carthage.
- Catholic Encyclopaedia
- Chappell, Warren.
The Living Alphabet. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia,
1975. Spec. Coll.:
- Clement, Richard
W. "Italian Sixteenth-Century Writing Books and the Scribal Reality
of Verona." Visible Language 20 (1986): 393-412.
- Coulmas, F. Writing
Systems of the World. Oxford: Blackwell, 1989.
- De Beer's Hannibal
(1969) collects photographs of topography, together with cultural material
on Rome and Carthage in Hannibal's time.
- Dennis Proctor,
Hannibal's March in History (1971), a scholarly chronology and routing
of the march.
- Diodorus Siculus.
Diodorus of Sicily 1, VI, VIII, IX. Trans. C.H. Oldfather. Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1954-1963 (The Loeb Classical Library).
- Diringer, David.
The Alphabet: A Key to the History of Mankind. 3rd ed. New York: Funk
& Wagnalls, 1968.
- Diringer, David.
Writing. New York: Praeger, 1962. Spec. Coll.: SC Ref Reserve C711
- Doblhofer, Ernst.
Voices in Stone: The Decipherment of Ancient Scripts and Writings. New
York: Viking, 1961. P901.D613 1973
- Drogin, Marc. Medieval
Calligraphy: Its History and Technique. Montclair, N.J.: Allanheld &
Schram, 1980.Z43.A3 D76
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de: Lisboa, Luiz C. e Andrade, Roberto P. "Grandes Enigmas
da Humanidade " - Capítulo 5: "Os que antecederam
Colombo" páginas 96- 100. Círculo do Livro S.A. Editorial.
São Paulo, 1969.
- Excerpts from the
book by: Lisboa, Luiz C. and Andrade, Roberto P. "Great Enigmas
of Mankind" - Chapter 5: "Columbus antecessors" pages
96- 100. Círculo do Livro Press. São Paulo, 1969.
- Excertos do livro
de: Bastaní, Tanus Jorge "0 Líbano e os
Libaneses no Brasil" -Parte oitava: "Indícios da
vinda dos Fenícios ao Brasil" páginas 155- 159.
Edição independente. Rio de Janeiro, 1945.
- Excerpts from the
book by: Bastani, Tanus Jorge "Lebanon and the Lebanese in Brazil"
-- Eighth part: "Traces of the Phoenician arrival in Brazil"
pages 155-159 Independent edition. Rio de Janeiro, 1945.
- Edmund Groag, Hannibal
als Politiker (1929, reissued 1967). A penetrating study of Hannibal's
personal history, together with a treatment of his political aims in
Italy and his relations with the democratic element at Carthage.
- Encyclopaedia Britannica
- English reconstructions
of the Alpine crossing include Gavin R. De Beer, Alps and Elephants
(1955), a lively and practical approach not only to topography but also
to the problems of elephant transport.
- Ernle D.S. Bradford,
Hannibal (1981), is a popular account of his life and generalship.
- Eusibius, History
of the Church
- Fairbank, Alfred.
A Book of Scripts. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1960. Z40.F3 1968
- Fell, B, America
BC, Ancient Settlers in the New World, New York, 1976.
- Frank W. Walbank,
A Historical Commentary on Polybius, vol. 1 (1957, reissued 1979), summarizes
both the textual and the topographical criticism.
- Gelb, I. J. A Study
of Writing. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952. 411.G28 1965
- Grolier Encyclopedia
- Haley, Allan. Alphabet:
The History, Evolution and Design of the Letters We Use Today. New York:
Watson-Guptill, 1995.
- Hamdy, 0. and Reinach,
T. Une néropole royale Sidon. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1892.
- Harden, D. The
Phoenicians. New York: Praege 962.
- Harper Dictionary
of the Christian Church
- Herm, G. The Phoenicians,
The Purple Empire of the Ancient World, 1073.
- Herodotus, The
History Of Herodotus
- Herodotus. The
Histories I-IV. Trans. A.D. Godley. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
1957-1963 (The Loeb Classical Library).
- Hohlfelder,R. and
Holum, K., King Herod's Dream: Caesarea by the Sea (1988);
- Howard H. Scullard,
A History of the Roman World: 753 to 146 B.C., 4th ed. (1980), discusses
his tactics in Spain and Italy and the opposition by Fabius Cunctator
and Scipio Africanus.
- Jackson, Donald.
The Story of Writing. New York: Taplinger, 1981. Z107.J3
- Jensen, Hans. Sign,
Symbol and Script. London: Allen & Unwin, 1970. P211.J413 1970
- Jidejian, Nina.
Byblos, Tyre, Sidon, Beirut in the Through the Ages series. Beirut:
Dar el-Machreq, 1968-1973.
- John P. Oleson
Levine, Lee I., Caesarea Under Roman Rule (1975).
- Johnston, Edward.
Writing and Illuminating and Lettering. 1906; reprinted, New York: Taplinger,
1977. NK3600.J6 1975
- Kapr, Albert. The
Art of Lettering: The History, Anatomy, and Aesthetics of the Roman
Letter Forms. Munich: K. G Saur, 1983. Z40.K3413 1983
- Lebanon and the
Greek World 333 to 64 B.C. illustrated by Coins in the Michel Eddé
Collection. Beirut: 1988.
- Minerva Archeological
- Moorey, P. R. S.,
ed. The Origins of Civilization, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.
- Morison, Stanley.
Politics and Script: Aspects of Authority and Freedom in the Development
of Graeco-Latin Script from the Sixth Century B.C. to the Twentieth
Century A.D. Edited and completed by Nicolas Barker. Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1972. Spec. Coll.:
- Moscati, S. The
World of the Phoenicians. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1968.
- National Geographic,
Vol 146, No.2, August 1974
- Nesbitt, Alexander.
The History and Technique of Lettering. New York: Dover, 1957. NK3600.N4
- Ogg, Oscar. The
26 Letters. New York: Crowell, 1961. P211.O4 1971
- Osley, A.A. Scribes
and Sources: Handbook of the Chancery Hand in the Sixteenth Century.
London: Faber and Faber, 1980. Z43.S388 1980
- Oxford Encyclopedic
Dictionary of the Christian Church P211.D53 1968
- Porter, Robert
Ker. Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, ancient Babylonia etc. during
the years 1817, 1818, 1819 and 1820. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme
and Brown, 1821.
- Pritchard, J. B.
Recovering Sarepta, A Phoenician City. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 1978. T.L.M.
- Rawlinson, George, A manual
of ancient history, from the earliest times to the fall of the Western
empire, comprising the history of
Chaldæa, Assyria, Babylonia, Lydia, Phœnicia, Syria, Judæa,
Egypt, Carthage, Persia, Greece, Macedonia, Rome, and Parthia. Harper & brothers,
New York, 1871.
- Theocritus. "The
Women at the Adonis Festival" Idyll XV. The Greek Bucolic Poets.
Trans. J.M. Edmonds. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1950 (The
Loeb Classical Library).
- Three Classics
of Italian Calligraphy: An Unabridged Reissue of the Writing Books of
Arrighi, Tagliente, Palatino. New York: Dover, 1952. 652.1 T41
- Torrey, Charles
0. "A Phoenician Necropolis at Sidon". The Annual of the American
School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem 1919-1920.
- Tschichold, Jan.
Treasury of Alphabets and Lettering. Ware: Omega Books, 1985. F655.24
T784m2 1966
- Ullman, B.L. Ancient
Writing and Its Influence. New York: Longmans, Green, 1932. Z105.U4
Other references not
included here but on related pages as footnotes.
Bibliography and Reference Materials for In-depth Study
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