of Tyre, Phoenicia, and Phoenicia's Hall of Maps
of Tyre was the founder of mathematical geography and assigner
of latitude and
lontitude in
the design of maps. Evolution
of cartography & Hall of Maps
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Mathematical Geography, Maps and Masters of Cartography in the Ancient
of Tyre, Phoenicia, (ca. 70-130 A.D.) was a geographer
and mathematician, as well as the founder of mathematical geography.
merits were that he assigned to each place its proper latitude and
longtitude with equal spacing for lines (ca. 100 A.D.), and introduced
to the construction of maps and developed a system of nautical charts.
charts used the city of Rhodes as a central point of reference. He
also carefully studied the works of his predecessors and the diaries
of travellers.
His maps
were the first in the Roman Empire to show China.
Around 120 A.D.,
Marinus wrote that the habitable world was bounded on the west by
the Fortunate
Islands. The
status of the Fortunate Islands as
the western
edge of the known world was more formally established when Claudius
Ptolemy (90 - 168 A.D.) adopted
the Fortunate Islands as the prime meridian for his Geographia, written
ca. 150 A.D. He acknowledged his great obligations
to Marinus. Geographia was lost to
the west during most of the Medieval period, but was rediscovered
during the fifteenth century. It was the most famous classical map of
world, unsurpassed
for almost 1500 years. The sources that Ptolemy cited most consistently
were the maps and writings of Marinus, as well as adopting his
ideas and
practices. Ptolemy’s
commentaries on Marinus are the only records remaining about the
work, as none of his maps or texts has survived.
1700 years before
the modern discovery of the source of the Nile, Marinus wrote
an account of
a journey
to the Ruwenzori ca. 110 A.D. He related
the tale of a Greek merchant, Diogenes who claimed a 25 day journey
inland from the
African East coast to "two great lakes and the snowy range
of mountains where the Nile draws it's twin sources." Ptolemy
and Marinus were major authorities used by Columbus in determining
the circumference of the globe.
Phoenicia's Hall
of Maps
The collection of
maps in this virtual hall provides a visual tour on the evolution of
cartography through centuries, from 6200 B.C. till the Roman era. In
addition, maps of Phoenicia Prima, the Phoenician Colonies, Settlements
and Trading Posts, and a unique Phoenician coin which is believed to
contain a map of the world.
This page and the related Phoenicia's Hall of Maps were inspired by
Dr. Gavin Francis, a physician and history enthusiast
with The British
Antarctic Survey (BAS) Research station located Latitude 75°35'
S, Longitude 26°34' W, Brunt Ice Shelf, Coats Land, Antartica.
I am indebted to Dr. Francis for writing to me about this important
Hall of Maps
Click on the thumbnails to view detailed, larger images
Related link:
Globalization, maps that change history by Enrique Garcia Barthe
& Further Reading:
- J. Siebold; Ancient Maps, April 1998.
- Faul, Stephanie; MappoMundi, 2000.
- J.J. O'Connor,
E.F. Robertson,; The history of cartography, August
- J L Berggren and A Jones, Ptolemy's Geography : An
annotated translation of the theoretical chapters (Princeton,
- T Campbell, Early maps (New York, 1981).
- T Campbell, The earliest printed maps, 1442-1500 (London,
- N Crane, Mercator : The Man who mapped the Planet (London,
- G R Crone, Maps and their makers (London, 1953).
- I J Curnow, The world mapped (London, 1930).
- J. Méndez; The
History of La Palma, July 2003.
- R W Karrow, Mapmakers of the sixteenth century and
their maps (Chicago, 1993).
- F
Sezgin, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums X : Mathematische
Geographie und Kartographie im Islam und ihr Fortleben im
Abendland. Historische Darstellung. Teil 1 (Frankfurt
am Main, 2000).
- F
Sezgin, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums XI : Mathematische
Geographie und Kartographie im Islam und ihr Fortleben im
Abendland. Historische Darstellung. Teil 2 (Frankfurt
am Main, 2000).
- F
Sezgin, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums XII : Mathematische
Geographie und Kartographie im Islam und ihr Fortleben im
Abendland. Kartenband (Frankfurt am Main, 2000).
- H Stevens, Ptolemy's Geography : A brief account of
all the printed editions down to 1730 (London, 1908).
- F J Swetz, The Sea Island mathematical manual : surveying
and mathematics in ancient China (Pennsylvania, PA,
- R V Tooley, Maps and Mapmakers (London, 1949).
- R Vermij (ed.), Gerhard Mercator und seine Welt (Duisburg,
- M Watelet (ed.), Gérard
Mercator cosmographe : le temps et l'espace (Antwerp, 1994).
- J N Wilford, The mapmakers : the story of the great
pioneers in cartography from antiquity to the space age (New
York, 1981).
- Additional references
- A Ahmedov
and B A Rozenfel'd, "Cartography" -
one of Biruni's first essays to have reached us (Russian), in Mathematics
in the East in the Middle Ages (Russian) (Tashkent,
1978), 127-153.
- K Andersen, The central projection in one of Ptolemy's
map constructions, Centaurus 30 (2) (1987),
- L Bendefy, Regiomontanus und Ungarn, in Regiomontanus
studies, Vienna, 1976 (Vienna, 1980), 243-253.
- A V Dorofeeva, From the history of the discovery of the
Mercator projection (Russian), Mat. v Shkole (3)
(1988), i; 81.
- N S Ermolaeva, Mathematical cartography and D A Grave's
method for solving the Dirichlet problem (Russian), Istor.-Mat.
Issled. No. 32-33, (1990), 95-120.
- H Kautzleben,
Carl Friedrich Gauss und die Astronomie, Geodäsie und Geophysik
seiner Zeit, in Festakt und
Tagung aus Anlass des 200 Geburtstages von Carl Friedrich Gauss,
Berlin, 1977 (Berlin, 1978), 123-136.
- C Lardicci, Geometric aspects of cartography (Italian), Archimede 34
(1-2) (1982), 23-42.
- R P Lorch, Ptolemy and Maslama on the transformation
of circles into circles in stereographic projection, Arch.
Hist. Exact Sci. 49 (3) (1995), 271-284.
- O Neugebauer, Ptolemy's Geography, book VII, chapters
6 and 7, Isis 50 (1959), 22-29.
- D B Quinn, Thomas Harriot and the new world, in Thomas
Harriot : Renaissance scientist (Oxford, 1974),
- M Schramm, Verfahren arabischer Nautiker zur Messung
von Distanzen im Indischen Ozean, Z. Gesch. Arab.-Islam.
Wiss. 13 (1999/00), 1-55.
- M A Tolmacheva, Ptolemy's East Africa in early medieval
Arab geography, J. Hist. Arabic Sci. 9 (1-2)
(1991), 31-43, 131-129.