Negotiate Like a Phoenician, What the experts are saying.
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Comments about Negotiate Like a Phoenician by Dr. Habib Chamoun, in collaboration with Randy Doyle Hazlett, PhD, from experts of different backgrounds from all over the world.

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About the author – Dr. Habib Chamoun-Nicolas

Over two decades, Dr. Chamoun-Nicolas has been conducting negotiation and business development activities in diversified sectors (industrial, commercial, government, institutional) for the sales and marketing of services and products. He has worked for ELF Aquitaine, ICA Fluor Daniel, and Brown and Root.   Dr. Chamoun has trained thousands business and government professionals on A Business Development Approach on Sales and Negotiation and has conducted extensive research on How Mexicans Negotiate .

Dr. Chamoun-Nicolas graduated from University of Texas at Austin and the Monterrey Institute of Technology and has participated in several special executive programs, such as the Program on Negotiation at Harvard University and the Brazilian Seminar at the International School of Business at the University of South Carolina.   Dr. Chamoun has also been an invited guest speaker and instructor at several universities: Thunderbird School of International Business in the GLOBAL MBA program, MBOC at the University of Texas , PANAM, University of Texas Dallas Cohort MBA program, and the University of Houston on Negotiation and Business development related topics.   Dr Chamoun has participated as a professor at the Virtual University of the Monterrey Institute of Technology in Mexico.   The Autonomous University of Honduras, Business International School of San Pedro Sula and Catholic University of Guayaquil Ecuador are among the Central and Latin America Universities were he has taught negotiation.   He is the author of many articles on negotiation and the books: Desarrollo de Negocios , in its 3 rd edition, Trato Hecho-Guía para una Negociación sin Fallas (2 nd edition) and DEAL: Guidelines for a Flawless Negotiation (a special edition on Culture and Negotiation, in English) .  

A partial list of his commercial and industrial clients includes: Exxon-Mobil, Marathon Oil Company, Halliburton, Dynasol ( Repsol / Grupo Desc), Telmex , Telcel , Axtel (Bell Canada), Maxcom , Sears, Banorte , Banrural , Jugos del Valle, USA, Bimbo Snacks, USA, T-Systems International, AMECO (equipment branch of Fluor Daniel Corp), AIT Group Mexico, Baxter, Grace Davison, RSM BEPAM, Santa Marina y Esteta Abogados , Henkel, Celanese, Procter and Gamble, CAIC, Shell Oil, Franklin Covey, Grupo Educare , SGS Mexico, and others.

Dr. Chamoun is a member of the advisory board of the Frank Evans Center for Conflict Resolution at the South Texas School of Law.    Also he is a board member of the American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Genesys , ITS, and the CELH (Chamber of Latin entrepreneurs of Houston).   Dr. Chamoun has been honored as the writer of the year 2006 at the 4 th Hispanic Book Festival of Houston and he has been appointed by Major Bill White of Houston as a Council member of the Mayor's International Affairs & Development Council of the Americas.    Dr. Habib Chamoun-Nicolas was awarded with the title of honorary professor at the Faculty of entrepreneurial specialties at the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil.

About the collaborator – Dr. Randy Doyle Hazlett

Dr. Hazlett is a seasoned technical writer and communicator. He is the President of Potential Research Solutions and Christian Artist's Workshop .   He has extensive industrial experience in bringing cutting-edge R&D to standard business practice. Dr. Hazlett earned his doctorate degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.   His contribution to this book brings together his business savvy, technical editorial skills, and knowledge of biblical history.   Dr. Hazlett is a long-time personal friend and business partner of Dr. Habib Chamoun-Nicolas.

Dr. Hazlett is the holder of 12 U. S. Patents.    He has authored 30+ Domestic & International Technical Symposia Presentations, 25+ Technical Journal Publications, 3 Trade Book Entries, and a series of ebooks.   Dr. Hazlett's latest effort for publication through Christian Artist's Workshop, Dark Spaces – A Spiritual Short Story Trilogy , is sure to become a masterwork.

Ever wondered what you might learn about negotiation by studying the Bible? As it turns out, according to Dr. Habib Chamoun, quite a lot. The Hebrew Scriptures actually offer negotiating texts – all derived from the Phoenician business model. And, using a system he calls "TradeablesTM," Dr. Chamoun shows how this ancient wisdom applies in a wide range of contemporary business settings. There's even an appendix analyzing the benefits of on-line negotiation instruction and other teaching technologies. If you are looking for historical insights that will help you improve your business negotiations, this is the book for you.

Lawrence Susskind
Ford Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

I continue to be impressed by and learn from Habib Chamoun-Nicolás’ insights into negotiation. He has creatively expanded core theoretical principles while also keeping his feet firmly on the ground. His ability to integrate theory and practice has made an important contribution to our field.

Michael Wheeler
Professor, Harvard Business School
Editor of the Negotiation Journal

In his new book, Negotiate Like a Phoenician, Dr. Habib Chamoun sounds like he lived with those masters of the seas and professional negotiators, and went with them from harbor to harbor and negotiated the traded goods. This book is not only about negotiation, but it is a part of a new domain in history known as the history of daily life. Thanks for this new reference in History, Negotiation and Business.

Georges Ch. EL-HAJJ
Beirut, Lebanon

Those of us that have closely followed Habib Chamoun-Nicolás’ career recognize and value his talent evident in his work like: Deal, Trato Hecho, Desarrollo de Negocios and his many conferences, seminars, and assessment programs presented around the world.

Click for detailed image (148K)
Negotiate like a Phoenician

In Negotiate Like a Phoenician, his latest work, he portrays an extremely well-planned and profound dimension on a civilization and the events that evolve in it. Throughout this work, he presents clues of human nature, not only of man in our time, but also of past and future times.

From the beginning of the book, in the dedication, he expresses feelings of general wellbeing, where exclusion and prejudice have no place among human relationships. The best alternative is to win-win, not only as a way to generate excellent and meaningful relationships, but also as a way of life.

Sometimes the speed at which events develop makes us lose sight of this viewpoint, and we cannot appreciate success that leaves behind a legacy – a legacy that many times we can neither identify nor benefit from. That is the importance of Negotiate Like a Phoenician.

With outstanding argumentation, it values and includes the historic dimension of mankind developed in a clear and succinct way. The clues extracted from successful, real-world negotiations generate the interesting and productive notion of TradeablesTM.

This text, written by one of our most outstanding honorary professors, is an invaluable contribution to the world of business, management, and society in general.

Dr. Michel Doumet Antón
Rector Catholic University of Guayaquil – Ecuador

I knew Dr. Habib Chamoun in the Paris conference “New Trends in Teaching Negotiation” where he was presenting E-learning technology for teaching negotiation. What a nice surprise to see that Dr. Habib, besides using top-level teaching technology, is able to rescue Phoenician trade art, doing a beautiful historical analysis and building a bridge between the very similar old and new negotiation principles. Dr. Habib’s book will be very helpful for anyone interested in making a deep dive in negotiation principles. And the diver, for sure, will get fresh and excellent fish.

Gabriel G. da Fonseca
Globaltrande Director

Dr. Chamoun-Nicolás' book Negotiate Like a Phoenician introduces us to TradeablesTM as a Phoenician (Canaanite) business practice, showing that successful business practice based upon scientific principles has flourished over the centuries by nations around the world up to our times. The Phoenicians (Canaanites) were pioneers in that field over the ages. Dr. Chamoun was very successful in sorting out these principles from various sources and synthesizing them into a practical theory. These principles (cultural sensitivity, ingenuity, adventurous spirit, fair play, clarity in communications, etc.) are still behind business excellence of nations today. This book proves to be an excellent coronation for that practiced theory and an outstanding reference for businessmen and historians alike. Dr. Chamoun-Nicolás has to be congratulated for producing another outstanding work.

Hazem Chahine
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering,
American University of Beirut
Former Inspector General, Electricity of Lebanon

Dr. Chamoun is again amazing us with this new teaching tool created to better understand and serve our most demanding customers. His hands-on and writing experiences are evidently distilled into TradeablesTM. Every sales, marketing and business development professional will find this book a ‘must read’.

To immerse the reader into the real business world, Dr. Chamoun uses metaphors, such as the way the Phoenicians used to negotiate, and step-by-step transports the individual to the customer service environment. Negotiate Like a Phoenician teaches effective negotiation skills and covers different dealing situations, like buyer-seller alliances, long-term relationships, and a both-win perspective. A valuable and real toolbox of negotiating expertise.

Leandro Barretto, Ph D
Competency Development Coordinator

The author blends a rich array of daily life stories with ancient historical examples to aid the reader in taking truly novel concepts from the pages of a book to desired results in business and life – producing win-win outcomes.

Keith Miceli
Vice President, International Business
Greater Houston Partnership

This is a very insightful book about how to successfully conduct business over the long-term. Dr. Habib provides recounts of business practices of Phoenicians that allowed them to survive and flourish for centuries while neighboring civilizations perished. This book provides great historical information on the negotiations techniques of Phoenicians that can be used in modern day situations.

Adel Chaouch, Ph.D., P.E.
Director, Corporate Social Responsibility
Marathon Oil Company

When I first received a copy of Dr. Chamoun’s new book, I was impressed by the subject that he chose and was curious how the ancient Phoenicians could relate to modern negotiating. Having read DEAL recently, I was also willing to discover some new revelation in the art and science of negotiation.

Negotiate Like a Phoenician is an excellent book for laying out the essential skills of successful negotiations, both for new and experienced negotiators, and TradeablesTM happened to be just the revelation I was hoping to find to improve my company and my personal skills.

The well-documented history, illustrated with modern case studies, makes a comprehensive and enjoyable balance that anyone involved in business should put on their list of reference reading.

Carlos Zepeda Chehaibar
Founding partner & e-business director Animation Studios

A unique and fantastic book. An excellent resource for all CEOs trying to orchestrate change throughout their organizations and improve corporate and even personal negotiations. I intend to share the book with my clients, associates, and staff, so that together we can gain better insight into different styles and have a better appreciation of the magnitude of effort required to lead the transformation process of negotiations.

Genival Francisco da Silva
President and CEO of Banco Ficsa S A
São Paulo – Brasil

Readers can always rely on Dr. Chamoun-Nicolás for concise, easy to apply concepts that facilitate real-life negotiations. His new book is no exception. It focuses on tools that will aid any reader in handling business or personal matters with ease and confidence. What he has added now, however, is an interesting, historic 'day trip' to the Mediterranean. There he explores the culture and practices of an ancient civilization to draw conclusions regarding successful negotiation style and methods that are equally applicable today. The journey is both interesting and useful.

Al Amado
Lawyer and International Policy Consultant, Latin American Project,
International Institute Director, Frank Evans Center for Conflict
Resolution, South Texas College of Law, Houston, Texas, USA

Habib Chamoun’s latest book is a refreshing look at the past … with an eye to the future. He goes back to the signature Mediterranean traders, the Phoenicians. With that, he comes up with the idea of ‘tradeables,” (sic) which he renders as “traDEAbLes” to remind you of his previous and very successful book, DEAL. He ruminates about how the Phoenicians traded and the methods that made them so successful. Chamoun reflects from many of the lessons learned from the Phoenicians and gives us a marvelous opportunity to hone our negotiating skills. Congratulations again to Dr. Habib Chamoun-Nicolás for his latest, TraDEAbLes.

Rodolfo J. Cortina, Ph.D.
Professor & Director UH Center for the Americas
Coordinator, UH-MA/MBA Program
Former UHS Vice Chancellor for International Affairs
Former President American College of Acupuncture & Oriental Services

The art of negotiation is as ancient as human history. In this book, Dr. Habib Chamoun reveals the thread which binds the negotiation examples from the Bible with contemporary societies, and you will be astonished by how the ancient negotiation techniques can prove to be perfectly topical, salient, and relevant in today’s world. An accurate and well-written book that treats history and negotiation theory with a really interesting and original approach.

Giuseppe De Palo
Chairman of Board, ADR Center (Rome, Italy) International Professor of ADR Law & Practice, Hamline University School of Law (St. Paul - MN, U.S.A.)

In his book Deal, Dr. Habib Chamoun-Nicolás wrote of the elements of cross-cultural negotiations. Here in TradeablesTM, Dr. Chamoun-Nicolás relates the culture of the Phoenicians and their use of TradeablesTM to create greater negotiation capacity. He makes the case, with historical references, for adhering to Phoenician ways. He contrasts e-learning to face-to-face negotiations. Both interesting and informative, the author’s pronouncement of the Phoenician business model is timely and increasingly valuable in today’s global markets. Known to outsource when it made sense, the Phoenicians followed seven principles which included a healthy respect for women. It was the Phoenician businessmen, our first “road warriors”, who created one of the first international conglomerates. Be prepared to add the concept of TradeablesTM to your next negotiation.

Shelton E. McBride,RPh, COO
Project Rx, Inc.
Houston, Texas, USA

Dr. Habib Chamoun-Nicolás has done a great service to those who wish to learn how best to negotiate in any given situation. His selection of the Phoenicians as models for analysis is a master stroke, and his examples from the Old Testament – my area of expertise – reveal many fresh and startling insights into passages otherwise worn by familiarity. I heartily recommend his book for any seeking to master the necessary skills of negotiation.

Dr. Paul Hahn
Theology Department
University of St Thomas
Houston, Texas 77006

Hooray for Dr. Habib Chamoun-Nicolás! At last here is a book on negotiating with fresh ideas and stories. As a school boy, I had read about ancient Phoenicia but not about Phoenicians themselves, known as the Traders of the Sea. Habib smartly presents his approach to modern negotiating against this Phoenician backdrop. What Sun Tzu’s The Art of War is to modern strategic business thinking, Negotiate Like a Phoenician is to modern negotiating. I hope he writes another book on his CLOSED OPEN principles (Appendix B). I highly recommend Dr. Chamoun-Nicolás’s readable book.

Howard Eaton
CEO, Relationship360 Group, LLC

If I had understood Dr. Chamoun’s negotiation strategies and use of TradeablesTM 25 years ago when I was negotiating international oil contracts, I would have made much better decisions and “Deals” for my company.

Larry Golden
Retired! Former President of Several Oil and Gas Companies

Negotiate Like a Phoenician – Discover TradeablesTM is an immensely enjoyable journey, showing us a fascinating culture of ancient yesterday, ultimately returning us to today with a view of tomorrow's potential. Dr. Habib Chamoun-Nicolás bestows a souvenir of understanding derived from the wisdom of the ages that has broad application to our personal, business and community lives.

The Old Ways may prove to be the Best Ways. This book proves that behaving with integrity is at the core of any Right Way.

Jeff Jury
Burns Anderson Jury & Brenner, L.L.P.
Austin, Texas

The book, Negotiate Like a Phoenician, from Dr. Habib Chamoun denotes the wonderful history of human life. It has helped me a lot in my management of business and also matches with our Eastern philosophies. It gave me a good reference in history, negotiation and business.

Minmay Liang
Vice President, Administration & Finance
American College of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine

My first insight appeared on page 2 "...we must recognize what is negotiable, what is not, and what doesn't need to be negotiated" – I knew I was in for a fabulous read! This is no run of the mill how to book - not only is it a guide on managing an effective business life, all the techniques are equally applicable to raising children and managing all the important relationships in our lives. I was drawn into the depth with which Habib built and wove tales and examples like a rich tapestry that so eloquently reveals the lessons. This will be a book worth sharing with all my colleagues who are building their businesses.

Catherine Mossop FCMC
Sage Mentors Inc. (

I consider myself a true believer of the sales and negotiation methodologies developed by Dr. Chamoun-Nicolás. After some training, now I am able to achieve better results with some simple steps – Learning how to plan ahead, how to prepare mind-set-maps to develop winner strategies, how to DEAL with difficult people, how to not accept a NO for an answer, how to close in one or two visits. This is something that it is applied successfully everyday at CAIC. When Habib honored me with the opportunity to preview Negotiate Like a Phoenician, I was not sure how “old-fashioned” strategies were to be applied in this modern era. Even worse, I was not sure how something that is not within a particular negotiation process can be part of the final outcome. Habib surprised me again with this amazing book. His very particular way to present this new concept “Tradeables™” is the only way a true believer will do it: Teach what you think and believe what you teach. There are Tradeables™ in almost every negotiation…the better you use them, the better you’ll do. Think outside the process itself, identify the Tradeables™, and get the DEAL.

Marco A. Contreras
Commercial Alliance Insurance Company

As an entrepreneur, I found Dr. Chamoun-Nicolás’ latest book, Negotiate Like a Phoenician, fascinating. He examines the art of negotiation through the Phoenicians, an ancient society that survived as a culture for centuries, while surrounding nations perished. I especially enjoyed the ancient case studies. The author cleverly shows the reader how to use ancient techniques and apply them today. Dr. Chamoun-Nicolás truly challenges his readers to negotiate like a Phoenician.

Philippe Cras
Owner of Homewood Suites at Kingwood Parc
Kingwood, Texas

Negotiate Like a Phoenician offers very specific techniques and guiding points on how to negotiate and make deals. It uses many examples which facilitate relating described successful real life experiences with your own! The identity given to the word " Tradeables™" is innovative. The amazing thing is that all of this is done using a Biblical context and the way of life of the Phoenicians, a civilization that existed over 2000 years ago!!

Joussef Jerade
COO, Commercial Alliance Insurance Company

This absorbing and interesting book deeply discusses and presents the art of negotiations by introducing a profile of the best known negotiators and traders of human history, the Phoenicians. The knowledge in the field of negotiation and history is presented by the author in a fascinating and direct way. Dr Habib Chamoun-Nicolás recalls the 7 Principles that helped the masters of negotiation approach their high level of trading and which are still current for negotiators these days. He describes in a straightforward and clear way how to find and employ people able to trade efficiently. Apart from reminding us of the ancient Phoenicians, the author shows us how to make use of their wisdom in our businesses. I recommend reading this book to everyone who wants to achieve success in trading.

Wojciech Krakowinski , PhD
The Chairman of the Board of Infinity Group Ltd. (Poland)

This book is a must-read for those who struggle to be winners in their day-to-day negotiations. The 'Chamoun' methodology really works!

Margaret Krakowinska
Student of Aviation Management
London Metropolitan University

Once again, Habib Chamoun has written a wonderful book. We call it wonderful, as it combines the essentials of negotiation skills together with poignant narratives to illustrate this amazing area of research. Henceforth, it becomes a must have for researchers and practitioners, as well as “negotiation fans“.

Drs. Markus Voeth and Uta Herbst
Department of Marketing, University of Hohenheim, Germany

The Hebrew Bible is a rich resource for ideas for modern as well as ancient living. It contains valuable lessons for all time that teach us how to reach for the highest in ourselves.

In Negotiate Like a Phoenician, Dr. Habib Chamoun-Nicolás discovers yet another dimension in the text – lessons not just for honesty and fairness in business, but for how to develop and maintain good business relations based, not on theory, but on real-life practicality.

Particularly in his section “Case Studies from the Hebrew Scripture,” he demonstrates from descriptions of how business was done between the Phoenicians and Kings David and Solomon how not just honesty, but also honor and mutual respect, are the foundation of business relations that endure. In short, they are good business for all concerned.

Fascinating reading. Interesting ideas. Valuable lessons. Dr. Habib reminds us that while technology and products change, the right and honorable way to do business is eternal and universal.

Rabbi Roy A. Walter
Senior Rabbi, Congregation Emanu El
Houston, Texas

Dr. Habib Chamoun-Nicolás' new book, Tradeables™, provides an intriguing account of ancient negotiation techniques developed by the Phoenicians in 2000 BCE and shows how such techniques can be used in a practical manner by today's negotiators. Dr. Chamoun-Nicolás, explains the importance of an international negotiator being "flexible, open, stereotype-free, and, most of all, patient and tolerant," and why the Phoenicians' great success as international traders was based on their belief that "honesty was the best policy" when negotiating with others. In my opinion, Tradeables™ ought to be considered a "must read" for every teacher or practitioner involved in the art of negotiation.

Judge Frank G. Evans
Recognized father of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Texas
Founder of the Frank G. Evans Center for Conflict Resolution at South Texas College of Law

This is a book that intellectually seduces the reader by blending historically successful trading practices from the times of the Phoenicians with those new negotiation tools required by the challenges of current hyper-competitive, highly global knowledge economy.

Dr. Jaime Alonso GOMEZ
National Dean and Professor of Strategy and International Management
EGADE - Graduate School of Business Administration and Leadership
Tecnologico de Monterrey University System

Negotiating like a Phoenician -a strategy for life. Do you know the importance of drivers, entrapments, analysis and leverage? This evidence-based book is backed by research and draws on biblical accounts. There is sufficient clarity for the MBA student, international diplomats, business negotiators, and those who want to hone their skills for self-development. The work is principle-centred, directing one to the 6Ps of flawless negotiation. There are cross-cultural case studies which entice the reader to explore issues from a win/ win perspective inclusive of clarity of what the TM negotiator wants, the expectations of the other party, identifying the Tradeables and working towards the deal. There is sufficient interest for those negotiating: retail sales, real estate, professional services, advertising, fundraising and negotiating at airports. Develop competence with the principles and see the difference!

Dr. Neslyn Watson-Druée, MBE, FRCN, DUniv, FCGI
Managing Director, Beacon Organizational Development Ltd and
Chairman of Kingston Primary Care Trust (UK)

The big lessons of negotiation abilities of Lebanese people are fully valid in the present and give us orientation and projections to the future. Habib Chamoun, with his book, gives us the best tool to learn through time the hard negotiation processes. Thank you for this work that makes us live in a linear way the history of human professional development.

Joseph Garzozi
Director of tourism, international relations and competitiveness
Municipality of Guayaquil

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Additional references, sources and bibliography (Please don't write and ask me for references. You can find them at the end of article or in Bibliography)

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