The National Geographic Society, IBM, geneticist Spencer Wells, and the Waitt Family Foundation have launched the Genographic Project, a five-year effort to understand the human journey—where we came from and how we got to where we live today. This unprecedented effort will map humanity's genetic journey through the ages
About the Project
Genographic Project Regional Centers -- include Dr. Pierre Zalloua, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon.
Note: Spencer Wells and Pierre Zalloua spearheaded the National Geographic study "Who were the Phoenicians"
How to Participate
Public participation, including yours, is critical to the Genographic Project's success. Those who wrote to me and expressed interest in tracing their genetic origin have the opportunity to get tested. Here's how you can get involved.
Frequently Asked Questions
Read about the details of how you can find answers to your questions, trace your genetic origin, confidentiality issues and the option of becoming part of this major project of human origins.